Cloth Sauce
“It was a vibe and I am trying to keep the vibe that I grew up with. I am trying to describe that feeling when you come over the bridge because I felt it so many times. Cape Cod is where you can regroup. “
“I am the owner of Cape Cloth. The Founder, Owner, CEO, Marketing, Sales, Everything.”
Sean was born in Cape Cod Hospital and raised here in the village of Dennis. Outside of leaving the Cape to get an education at the University of Miami, and a few jobs on the other side of the bridge, he always had this vision of something better. Cape Cloth would eventually be this vision blossomed into reality. The idea was simple, to create a brand of clothing that represented what he felt the Cape should be for those who live here year round.
“(Growing up) there was nothing that my friends and I wore that truly represented home. We wore Red Sox stuff, Patriot's stuff Celtic’s Stuff. Whoever the sports teams are. But knowing how much pride people have from being from here, Being from MA in general, but being from the Cape is another specific breed and there was nothing that encapsulated that. There was nothing that at least to my knowledge we were proud to wear that represented Cape Cod.”
His idea of business isn’t just wealth. It is a belief in something greater than he is, and it is giving back to the community he grew up in and to the people that support his business. Sean is involved with the Cape Abilities organization on Cape Cod. The organization promotes forward mobility for people with disabilities in the region. They create opportunities by providing services including therapy, employment, and other means for those with disabilities on the Cape and beyond. Cape Cloth donates $1.00 from each piece of clothing purchased to Cape Abilities.
There is more to Sean than just the business. If you ever sit down and have a conversation with Sean, you will see that he not only wears his heart on his sleeve, but also is incredibly genuine and quick to discuss extremely deep topics with you. His theories in life and career are a blurred line and he brings this intensity to his own life. He speaks fondly about how to be an individual in this world and on Cape Cod.
“Any seasonal place that you live in there is going to be super ebbs and flows. You have to able to get yourself through the times when there is not a lot of outside stimulation. You need to create it and it’s just like that. I am not sure if it is a microcosm but it might be on the lines of it all coming back to you and what you’re passionate about and what you want to do that makes you happy. A lot of people are looking for some type of external stimulus or some reason to them going and if you’re constantly looking for that then anywhere like this or where this a downturn or a slow time, you’re probably going to have some depression. To oppose this you must have passion for what you are doing. If you love what you are doing, all the rest of that shit all the rest of that just fucking fades out. All that external forces just kind of stop. You stop looking at external stimuli, and you look internally. How do we improve this? How do we improve that? How do I improve me? How do I help other people improve themselves? And you get into that type of flow. It doesn’t even fucking matter where you live. I mean I like this space right now. I like the summer for the fun and the weather and the business but I like space. I like space to clear my head and literal space to move around. You know what I mean? But you have got to figure out what makes you tick. And so many people right now are so distracted by so much stuff and so many external stimuli that none of them want to actually do hard work and look inside themselves. You know what I mean? Let me ask myself some tough questions and further more let me answer some tough questions about myself”
Sean has had some experience to live with this mantra. He has seen some tragedy and lived with a bit of depression which he is open to talk about. It is all these experiences and moments that provide more depth to who he is as a businessman and a human being.
“The Cape Cod community keeps me going. A recent example is when I’ve chosen to be a little more personal about what’s going on with me other than what is going on with the business or the brand. That's the time when I really don’t know what the reaction is what I’m going for but I get a massive warm reception from the community and you can’t synthesize that feeling. It is something that is really special and it has to be because there is a lot of BS that comes with the territory so you need stuff like that to keep you going. I always like to keep a fresh perspective or keep context of the situation because obviously I complain and I can catch myself pretty quickly and be like hey wait a second. I wear these bracelets. I don’t wear jewelry. Now I wear these as a reminder. This a buddy who died of skin cancer.”
He wears many of these reminders on his wrist. Bracelets for those he has lost, those who have been hurt, and just reminders of people he loves in his life. All of them are a constant reminder that he must rise and live his best life every day. Now as for what he loves about Cape Cod? It’s feelings anyone can relate to when they come back over the bridge.
“It was a vibe and I am trying to keep the vibe that I grew up with. I am trying to describe that feeling when you come over the bridge because I felt it so many times. Cape Cod is where you can regroup. “
You Can visit Cape Cloth here
Consider Making a donation to Cape Abilities