“Take a deep breath and look what is actually around you. We have a tendency never to see all the beauty that is around us in all four seasons because (we) are just busy living (our) life(s). If every once in a while you can just inhale, exhale and look at the sky, look at the water, look at a tree, that's pretty much why we live here. It's beautiful. “
As a child Amy would spend her summers on Cape Cod. She would travel down here from Hingham with her family to summer in Eastham and Orleans. This tradition started when she was eight. It continued on through her childhood and into her teen years. After college she worked in Boston and met her other half in the city. Her husband happened to be from Sandwich.
“So my husband and I met in Boston. He was working from home and I was a physical therapist for Spaulding Rehab in Boston and once we got married we sold my condo that I lived in and bought a cottage in South Orleans thinking it would be our forever little cottage and we were going to go back and forth kind of like my parents did and give my kids the same upbringing that I had which was cool.”
While dreams are of the best intention, the couple had their first child and the idea of going back and forth between home and the Cape was not working out as they planned, so it was time for them to make another move
“We decided to start looking. We looked in the burbs for a bit and didn’t find anything in the burbs of Boston. The longer we were looking around and hanging out we just decided to stay here so we decided to look in Orleans and then we found our little house in Chatham. We decided to hang our hat here. My husband works form home and I am PT so we can really go anywhere. It is a nice little thing.”
Outside of the local connection to Chatham, Amy found the community on Cape Cod extremely comforting and more like family that looks out for everyone’s best interests.
“I really like the sense of community and I like the quiet off season. It’s just everybody has everybody’s back. It’s a small community but it’s not like a small community in that it isn’t gossipy. It’s just a nice place to be. It’s a great place to raise kids obviously being close to the water and such. It has worked out really well for my family.”
Her time on Cape Cod saw the family continue to grow as she soon became the mother to twin girls. At this time in life things were about to change. The family bond would become tighter and Amy’s journey toward Yoga began. When her twin daughters were two years old she received word from doctors that they were diagnosed with autism. Life was certainly about to change and there were fears that she would have to move her family off Cape to find the best care for the twins.
“Both of my girls are autistic. So that obviously presents quite a challenge. We spent at least a year trying to navigate the system with early intervention and all the therapists and resources here. It was tough and we didn’t know if we were going to have to move off cape to get all the care that we needed. It just so happens, the May Centers Institute that used to be in Chatham closed their doors and moved off Cape. They left behind an amazing group of therapists that were all trained in working with kids with Autism. So all of those people infiltrated the school systems and once we got into the school system with girls we realized, holy crap we're in the best place for what we need.”
When the kids entered school full-time, there was a lot to think about during the day. Amy decided that instead of sitting and thinking she decided that she needed healing. Her journey into her new career was about to change her life.
“After my girls were diagnosed and were in school full time I came to the conclusion that I needed to heal from the blow of you know being a mom to autistic children so I decided I either needed therapy or I needed to go to Yoga teacher training. Yoga teacher training seemed like so much more fun and way more expensive but whatever. I had no intentions of teaching yoga at all. I just wanted to go and explore myself and just really heal from the why me. The why did this have to happen to me? And I slowly went from why did this have to happen to me to wow I get to these kids momma. They were chosen for me! It was a really cool revelation for me and yoga brought me to that peace.”
Yoga is now a staple in her household and used for personal healing and personal growth. Through the motions of the body and mediation yoga provides she has accepted the terms of her family and sees life and the life of her children as an incredible gift. When it came back to her love of Cape Cod, it came back to community again. She is in love with the small population and the acceptance the community has given her family. And why she loves it here?
“Take a deep breath and look what is actually around you. We have a tendency never to see all the beauty that is around us in all four seasons because (we) are just busy living (our) life(s). If every once in a while you can just inhale, exhale and look at the sky, look at the water, look at a tree, that's pretty much why we live here. It's beautiful. “